module qrcode.common.bitutils;

* General bit utilities.
* All utility methods are based on 32-bit integers and also work on 64-bit
* systems.
class BitUtils
	* Performs an unsigned right shift.
	* This is the same as the unsigned right shift operator ">>>" in other
	* languages.
	* @param  integer $a
	* @param  integer $b
	* @return integer
    public static ulong unsignedRightShift(ulong a, ulong b)
        return (a >= 0 ? a >> b : ((a & 0x7fffffff) >> b) | (0x40000000 >> (b - 1)));
	* Gets the number of trailing zeros.
	* @param  integer $i
	* @return integer
    public static ulong numberOfTrailingZeros(ulong i)
        import std..string, std.format, std.conv;

        auto pos = format("%032b", i).lastIndexOf('1');

        return pos == -1 ? 32 : 31 - pos;